Per la K1 esiste come accessorio il modulo Lidar?

Per la K1 esiste come accessorio da installare il modulo Lidar come quello inastallato sulla K1 Max?

Is there a Lidar module like the one installed on the K1 Max as an accessory to be installed for the K1?

There is no Lidar module for the K1.

No hay ningún módulo Lidar para el K1.

Ho visto in un video che è possibile installare anche sulla K1 lo stesso sensore Lidar che monta la K1 max, esiste come ricambio per la k1 Max ?

I saw in a video that it is also possible to install on the K1 the same Lidar sensor that is mounted on the K1 max, is it available as a replacement for the k1 Max?

Creality could make one available in the future… They haven’t announced it yet…
You can buy the camera for the K1…