Any help with be very much appreciated. I have searched the internet and tried everything that I found. As the video shows, the test line or whatever it is called on the side prints fine. Then it does the outline and part of it sticks but pretty soon it detaches. I have replaced the hot end, levelled the bed, adjusted the z-offset so that there is some resistance when moving a piece of paper that is between the nozzle and the bed. I also cleaned the bed with methylated spirits and tried printing again. I then cleaned the bed with household dish washing detergent and tried printing again.
Better off with 99% isopropyl alcohol than methylated spirit, wouldn’t be surprised if the purple colouring and taste additive might get left as a residue which isn’t good for printing. As for z-offset, setting it up with paper is just the start, you will then adjust the z-offset while it is printing, you will see the filament squish into the bed, it takes a little practice to get it right.