Pre-order the K2 Plus x CFS for UP TO 50% OFF🤯

Imagine the savings on multicolor printing!

Preview 4 pre-order stages of K2 Plus Combo:

:rocket:50% Off丨Super Early Bird Sale: June 5, 200 units

:bird:40% Off丨Early Bird Sale: June 6, 500 units

:star2:30% Off丨Special Deal: June 14, 800 units

:hourglass_flowing_sand:20% Off丨Last Chance Sale: July 1, 1000 units

Full Price starts on July 20, 2024.

:mag:Details and pre-orders at:

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The price is $99,000???!!! Is that an error?

They wouldn’t put up a guess the price competition and then have the storefront having the right price. It’s an placeholder so google caches it as a store item

Ah, makes sense (I guess) but begs the question: Why put a price/number at all. Why not just “coming soon” and wait until you know to worry about google? Maybe that’s why I’m a “creative” and not a “marketer”. :wink:

because its a storefront page not a blog, certain fields will need to be filled

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The link for sale is ?

So after the early bird started cloudflare blocked all IP addresses? Make it make sense @CREALITY

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Thank you so much for joining in the K2 Plus Flash Sale event. Even there are issues happened during the event, the first 200 pieces of K2 Plus have been all sold out! Congratulations for whom made it to order the amazing multicolor 3D printer. No frustrations for missing the first round, to thank you for your great passion and supporting us all the time, we decided to add 200 more pics of 50% off chances for all customers at the same time tomorrow (9AM EDT on 6 June). And 40% off chance to order will begin right after the extra 50% finishes. Stay tuned and see you to tomorrow at the same time!