Hi - newbie here! Just opened out new Ender 3 V3 SE. During set up the printer bed moved backwards but failed to move forwards again and makes a horrible sound for a few seconds when setting up. Then the nozzle tries to come down ahead of the plate. No way of doing a reset as the screen only has the language option and then the ‘Auto Z offset’ page in view. All thoughts gratefully received
First of all have you set the correct voltage 115 or 240 depending on country, you will find the switch on the back of the printer, it is slightly recessed but will be clearly labeled.
If that is good then:-
Sounds like the bed is not hitting the “Y” axis limit switch.
Turn the printer off and check the following:
The switch is at the rear of the machine, pull the bed forward and look just to the left of the “Y” axis belt.
When you manually push the bed back all the way you should hear a click as the switch activates.
If you hear the click then it could be a wiring issue.
If you don’t hear a click then there is some misalignment under the bed that needs to be resolved.
Report back your findings, lots of help here.
Is the printer too close to a wall or other obstruction that prevents the bed from moving back far enought to contact the limit switch?
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks so much for replying. It has space and is going all the way back. I had assumed it was supposed to then move forward but perhaps the switch is too far back?
Take a look at the back of the frame where the bed slides, it should be a simple microswitch like https://www.amazon.com/Creality-Y-axis_Limit-PCBA_E3V3SE-XYLimit-V1-1_V1-1_Limit-Accessories-Extruder
They will move forward after that switch is made contact with
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for all your suggestions. We have the voltage set for the UK. I have just manually pulled the bed back and it makes the switch click. However, when it is at this point the printer sensor nozzle and ink nozzle are past the end of the front of the plate and miss it entirely
I think that’s the issue - once it hits the switch it makes a grinding noise and doesn’t move at all. The link didn’t work for me here but the switch is basically a small piece of metal that gets pushed back and springs back again.
The switch might not be working then as it shouldn’t grind- likely the motor gear jumping the belt. This switch is there to tell where the maximum Y position is, after that the bed should move to the front of the printer. This might work for the limit switch picture Problem with Ender 3 V3 SE home - #58 by SUPERMAN31170
Yes, that’s the switch. Could it be slipping on the belt when going forwards? It moves backwards silently
What happens if you move the printbed to the front, power on and home it. When the bed is moving to the back, press the switch with a finger and move it out of the way quick
Interesting. The bed stops, no grinding sound. And then nothing happens at all, the printer head doesn’t move, it’s like it’s stopped. I did that a few times, then let it go back itself and the grinding sound returned as well as the head descending
Pics in case I’ve done something really stupid
I only have this option on the display screen -after choosing English and confirming nothing is on the plate.
This is a (terrible) pic of the setup when the head is descending.
I bet the bed isn’t making enough contact with the switch and that is why the grinding happens
The bed being that far back is fine and normal.
This, to me, sounds like a faulty limit switch.
This is relatively easy to check and fix, however you say the printer is new, in that case send it back.
If you are not comfortable with a multimeter and taking the printer apart go no further.
It is a shame as the V3 SE is a great printer for the price.
Thanks, as it is new I’ll speak to them tomorrow and see if we can get it exchanged. And then get past the starting block
Update - so Creality support were brilliant. Turns out the belt was too loose. I tightened it and all is now working. Thanks again for all your help