Yes, I had exactly the same problem. It was working perfectly and then it stopped saving or reading any data. I’m sure you’ve tried the usal things like making sure that the SD card is correctly inserted and restarting your printer to see if the reader finds the card.
If all else fails, you may have to re-format the SD card. That’s what I did and I’ve had no issues since then. You’ll need to format the SD card to the FAT32 option.
You’ll find the factory reset option on the LCD display. Swipe down to the bottom and you’ll see the option to reset.
This printer eats cards, many people have reported this. I don’t know if it is a hardware failure of certain mainboards but it will kill the card stone dead, render it unreadable and unformattable. Only fix that I know is a new mainboard I just wish I knew which serial number group is affected. Mine quite happily dines out on SDcards, but mine is now connected to a Sonic pad so I can transfer files over the LAN/WIFI and not use SDcards.
Hello @Bonfireman
Is the problem just with the SE or do other printers have the same problem? My KE has USB ports but I’ve had issues and had to reformat memory sticks. No issues since
On the KE the USB is not on the mainboard and the KE doesn’t have the SD ports on the board so empirically that would be a no. If you have a memory stick problem it will probably be for a different reason, my PC often tells me the memory stick needs fixing when it is working just fine.