Problems with Ender 3 S1 Mainboard

last Weekend I wanted to print something but my Ender 3 S1 coulndn´t get a connection via the USB-C plug. I unpluged and repluged the cable and the USB-C Jack burned in magic smoke. That was it for the Ender 3 S1 Mainboard and the connected Raspberry Pi 4. Expensive mailfunction. I think the CH340 chip is in heaven. I ordered a new mainboard but it isnt working. The touchscreen is only showing the dots which normaly bocomming the creality logo at start up. But the tft isn´t starting and the dots are remaining. So I don´t know what the failure is. I tried a firmware update but nothing changed. Because the tft isn´t showing anything I don´t know if the firmware update was successfull or not. Whit the old damaged motherboard the tft is working. Can I try something else? I don´t want to change the motherboard for a new one and have the same problem. Are there mainboards out there which are not compatible with my Ender?


Hi @ruesti and welcome to the forums.

I would recommend checking the mainboard to see which chip is onboard, there are usually 2 variants of the Ender boards, some have a STM chip on board and some have a GD chip on board. Depending on the chip you may find that you need an alternative firmware.