Does anyone use project files in Creality Print? I’m still a little new to this and I thought that a project file would keep the print settings. However, that’s not the case for me using Creality Print. The project only keeps the STL files and number of plates I had, none of the print settings are saved and it defaults to whatever print configuration is set when I open the project file. Not very useful, overall. Has anyone else had this issue or do the project files not save all that info?
I’ve got the same question. What good is saving a project file?
I was hoping it would create a file containing the filament and process settings as well. This file could be kept with my CAD file and any STL files.
When I upgraded to a newer release (v5.1.6.10470) I found that the print configurations were saved in the project files. I only found out because I had a multi plate print and I wanted to keep the models together without opening multiple files. When I did open the project file it did reload the last set up printer settings I had. I’ve not tried it in v6 yet, I’m having too many other issues just getting a completed print to check it out.
The settings seem to be saved but 5.1.7 is definitely not loading them on the Mac version. The file comes in but only the position and CFS slot used are retained. All the other settings are discarded and left as they are at the time the project is loaded. Useless.