Quick installation guide can be optimized

So now, when I came home and the printer worked for 2 hours I found out that my new Ender 3V3 Plus display has already some scratched edge on the top. Looking deeper into this I noticed, that it was not totally down, and so on every yx movement the holder of the print bed scratched on top of the display unit.

Well, I don’t care for the damage, but it would be nice to add a note to the quick installation guide that you need to press the display unit totally down to avoid such unsatisfying experiences.

Did it affect the print layer every time it jolted? That’s the thing about bedslingers, they can catch things.

No problems with the layers, question is if my bed got de-adjusted. See the picture, I have nothing to compare it with, but it looks weird. :slightly_smiling_face: But so far no print problems at all.

If it prints fine, great. As long as the bed is within 2mm the autolevel should compensate.

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