Recording all Nozzle, filament & environment properties for later using Excel

Is there an Excel workbook available with all the properties in Creality Print?

I have just spent 4 days working with a PA12 CF20 filament trying to tune every single value in my nozzle profile, filament profile and Creality Print environment and I need to record all values so I’m hoping that there is an Excel workbook already populated with these values?

If not then I’ll have to create my own, and that’s a huge task!


It seems that no one has an XL workbook with all the settings however trolling thru the filesystem I found the settings stored here in a json format which is as best as I’ll get:

CP Printer Definitions stored here:

CP Process Settings are stored here:

The process file contents look like this:

“engine_data”: {
“accel_to_decel_enable”: “1”,
“accel_to_decel_factor”: “100%”,
“acceleration_limit_mess”: “[[0.5,1.0,100,6000],[1.0,1.5,80,5500],[1.5,2.0,60,5000]]”,
“acceleration_limit_mess_enable”: “0”,
“ai_infill”: “0”,
“alternate_extra_wall”: “0”,
“arc_tolerance”: “12”,
“bottom_shell_layers”: “3”,
“bottom_shell_thickness”: “0”,
“bottom_solid_infill_flow_ratio”: “1”,
“bottom_surface_pattern”: “monotonic”,
“bridge_acceleration”: “50%”,
“bridge_angle”: “0”,
“bridge_density”: “100%”,
“bridge_flow”: “1”,
“bridge_no_support”: “0”,
“bridge_speed”: “50”,
“brim_ears_detection_length”: “1”,
“brim_ears_max_angle”: “125”,
“brim_object_gap”: “0.1”,
“brim_type”: “outer_only”,
“brim_width”: “7”,
“compatible_printers”: “”,
“compatible_printers_condition”: “”,
“counterbore_hole_bridging”: “none”,
“default_acceleration”: “10000”,
“default_jerk”: “20”,
“detect_narrow_internal_solid_infill”: “1”,
“detect_overhang_wall”: “1”,
“detect_thin_wall”: “0”,
“dont_filter_internal_bridges”: “disabled”,
“draft_shield”: “disabled”,
“elefant_foot_compensation”: “0.15”,
“elefant_foot_compensation_layers”: “1”,
“enable_arc_fitting”: “1”,
“enable_overhang_speed”: “1”,
“enable_prime_tower”: “1”,
“enable_support”: “0”,

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