I encountered an extrusion problem with my Ender-3 V3, the filament stopped feeding. After a bit of investigation, I disassembled the extruder and found stripped gears. I think it was caused by a feed problem with a small roll of filament, where the filament came off the roll during the initial printing setup which fully extends the filament during a movement to the upper left of the printer.
I was considering replacing with a set of metal gears vs the plastic ones that are stock. Any downside to using metal gears? What happens if the filament won’t feed out? Will the gears not strip and the motor burn out?
Look up fixed mounting runout sensor to the side rail to fix your loose filament problem. I’ve had no problems since relocating sensor. I have a side rail sensor mount on thingiverse. Ender 3 V3 Corexz Filament Sidemount by 4Gumby - Thingiverse
I tore apart the extruder too many times for clogged gears when I first got it everytime I used the retract feature due to retraction of hot/soft filament into gears. I didn’t notice they were plastic. Is there a source for metal gears? I think that would be a great upgrade.