Retract/Extrude K1

New to the K1 series and I have purchased second hand K1 Speedy. When I tell machine to retract from the screen to change the material it will extrude for like 5 seconds then retract. Is this normal and if so is there a way to reduce the amount of extrude before the retraction?

Thank You,

That’s normal, my K1C does the same thing. The important part is it retracts and you can remove the filament, the object of the exercise. :smiley:

All new to me. Anyway to adjust the amount?

Thanks John

That I don’t know. I never gave it any thought since the retraction worked. I just assumed that was the way it worked. :wink:

This is a new development I noticed after the last firmware update. When you ask it to retract, it does the same amount of extrusion it used to do when selecting extrusion. When you ask it to extrude, it does a lot less extruding than it used to. I’m sure we will hear it is a feature.

Would be great if we could adjust the amount in a future update.