RFID for CMS - using an Android phone with NFC

As promised I’ll share how I create my own NFC stickers for my filament not coming from Creality (99%).

I use an Android-App which I have been beta-testing for a while but it should be available now to everybody:
Google Appstore
The stickers I bought from Amazon , search for MIFARE Classic 1K and do not buy anything which is not exactly that!

You use the app to write filament type (in most cases I use generic for the different vendors) and define the color.
If you place the label ~3cm from outside of the (1kg) spools it is recognized by CMS on all my spools.
You need to put tags on both side of the spool because in different slots of CMS they are read on different sides!
A french video (which I listen to in auto translate mode) is available on youtube

p.s.: I can even reuse the stickers on newer spools of same type+color for 2-3 times until stickers are not sticking anymore…


Dear all, there is another App for Android and a corresponding video available now as well:

He also built a version for an Arduino-type of Microcontroller which can then be used via WiFi in case you have only IOS or incompatible Android phones.

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It seems that Creality is going to prevent us from doing this, it would be good if it were spread, I have already opened a comment in this forum.

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Yes, I have seen this post as well.
I hope that all of you will agree that nobody will buy more Creality filament only because of that, I will not! I buy Filament mainly for it’s features and colors and those view standard ones where quality does not count so much and which I use mainly for every day prints the most important topics are availability and/or price.

As I anyhow need to select the right filament in slicer because the classification creality has is much too coarse.

If I would be creality I would rather use open standards and encourage other filament vendors to use them as well because then they would be able to sell not only more printers but also filament to users of other printers!


Hi orl,

Unfortunately, many companies decide to do as Bambu appears to do, and that is lock customers to their brand “only !” and control them.

Greed is possibly the worst trait that humans can have and most companies seem to have a lot of it.



Asi es, no tiene mayor importancia, pero si va a tomar el camino que iba a tomar Bambu lab, tienen un problema, que sería lo próximo? no poder usar cualquier filamento sin etiqueta?, teniendo en cuenta que las reparaciones tenemos que hacerlas nosotros , incluso con la garantía habitualmente…Absurdo bloquear algo tan simple, compro los filamentos en Amazon y solo he visto con RFID 1 PLA de color beig claro y con un coste de casi 30$/€, pues no, espero que alguien encuentre la manera de evitar el bloqueo…

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I just learned of this betrayal via the youtube video https://youtu.be/AFm1Y8eV-RM?si=PKjbCK3N439WEkSf

I agree with frankjoke . I will not be buying Creality filament until this is corrected.

Hi, same here. I will not be buying Creality filament anymore until this is corrected accordingly!

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Hello friends,
I don’t have a need for RFID, but, because of the principle involved.
And in support of those that do.
I will not be buying Creality filament anymore until this is corrected !!!


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Very easy for me to not buy creality filament until this is corrected.


Dear all, I just tested the updated app RFID for CFS and it seems to work with new firmware I installed 2 days ago.

You can read old tags and rewrite them with the new encryption which is the main thing which was changed that the printer accepts only encrypted tags which means that it’s not that easy to just copy or overwrite a tag with wrong/other information.

Overall I will be happy if Creality would keep this strategy and also support 3rd party SW or filament vendors!

I also wanted to share that somebody created a guide for positioning the tags on the spool: CFS RFID Positioning Tool

Hello @frankjoke ,

That is an interesting view of the situation.
So there is no sinister plot involved really, but, as long as 3rd parties can get to do so.
