Sonic Pad and CR10S Pro V2

I bought the Sonic pad and started the set up and have a few questions.

  1. The Sonic Pad flashed the firmware directly to the printer and not via USB as the instructions say. Is this ok?
  2. When the sonic pad says it is going to start the fans it does not unless I turn the printer on in which case the fans all run.
  3. I have carried out both a nozzle PID check/calibaration and hotbed PID check/calibration. After completion I press back but the sonic pad does not say it is saving the data or reboots?

Any advice?

Hi @Tony_Bains and welcome to the forums.

If the Sonic Pad is communicating with the printer then it is likely that the firmware was installed correctly.
The Sonic Pad will not be able to power up the fans unless the printer is turned on, whilst the printer is off the Sonic Pad will continue to function but will not be able to control any aspects of the printer.
Usually the Sonic Pad auto saves the results of any PID checks automatically. So as long as your temps stay stable during printing then everything should be fine.