Sonic pad and sprite extruder

Hello, Im not sure this is where to ask but ive seen a few people with similar issues on some post here but never saw answers to them. I have a Ender 3 max neo running a sonic pad and a sprite extruder. i set it up and was printing fine for a month or so, then i got busy with irl and the printer sat idle for a bit. When i go to turn it back on it has me go thru all the steps like it was reset. I did all the steps and as i went to print a benchy it was not extruding. So i remembered there is a extruder option in the sonic pad to tell the pad your running a sprite extruder i go to change it and it does not seem to be saving. i go back into the same settings and under extruder it says customization. and not sprite extruder…any help would be greatly appreciated. and please dont tell me to go a different route cus i already have the sonic pad and its amazing when it works :slight_smile:

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Just signed up to say the same thing - except my extruder worked for a few seconds only. It’s just not extruding at all. When I first changed the extruder to Sprite in SonicPad, it moved, and I noticed it had changed rotation_distance to 7.5. That seemed to be about the only change.

Post reboot, it stopped again. I asked Creality, and was their reply:

“We are very sorry that you modified the printer yourself. This is beyond our capabilities and we are unable to provide support. Thank you for your understanding!”

So, three pieces of Creality kit, all advertised to work together, and they don’t. And Creality don’t want to know.

Will never buy another piece of Creality kit again, what a joke!

7.53 is what is on my V3SE (sprite extruder) and Ender 5 plus with microswiss NG. Seems about perfect. I have had one stepper motor cable fail, I would possibly look at that and its connections.

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Thanks, we just continuity tested the cable as it had stopped again - all seemed OK, but that’s a static test of course.

Last night, it was printing fine after I did a factory reset on the SonicPad. Went through all calibrations, even printing a calibration tower, all good. With zero tuning, Benchy was one of the cleanest I ever had, and in 88 mins as well.

Did the pressure calibration, saved it - and extrusion stopped again. Bedtime. Woke up this morning, it was working again! Did a couple test prints today, all good. Turned it on tonight, having not touched it since last print - no extrusion again.

And that’s the point I did the continuity test.

My shaming of Creality must have worked a bit, as I got this back off them:

Please refer to the following instructions.

  1. Sonic pad is not compatible with Sprite extruder, you can only use one of them. (Because there is no quick adaptation file for the time being)

  2. If you need to use sonic pad and Sprite extruder at the same time, you need a 4.2.7 motherboard, but you need to modify the configuration file yourself, which is very complicated and requires certain abilities. (See the attached tutorial)
    This is all the situation, please choose by yourself, if you modify the printer yourself, we cannot provide warranty and support, thank you for your understanding!

My motherboard is 4.2.2, yet it was - was - working fine for a while.

All very strange. Might try and source the connectors and make my own cable I think, so at least I can rule that out…

Just turned it all on again - and it’s working again.


Interesting, my V3SE has a sprite and works fine with sonic pad. My ender 5+ has a 4.2.2 mainboard, not a sprite but whatever the microswiss uses, works fine too. Definitely would try another cable.

Did you solve the problem? I have the same situation. The first day everything worked when I installed Sonic Pad on s1 Plus, but then from the next day it only works after resetting for a while and then stops again

I have a Ender 3 S1 pro with the sprite pro extruder and sonic pad, had a similar issue with the extruder working intermittently. Creality supplied a replacement cable which corrected the problem. All worked ok since.
