Speed seetings for K1C

Hello everyone,

I am trying to print at high speeds, but I couldn’t reach as fast as the benchy gcode that comes with the printer.

The orca slicer has a minimum time of approximately 35 minutes.
Is there anybody willing to share their settings for, like, a 16-minute bench?

Is there anybody who can reach that speed by their own means?

Thanks for all the answers.
Best Regard.

My settings are in this file.

Look for these limitations:
Layertime (cooling)
Max. flow rate (filament)
Also number of top layers is a speed killer.

In addition to what @s3sebastian said,

I’m using Creality Print so I’m not sure if this will help you.
I couldn’t open the file to read because I don’t have that slicer…

I wouldn’t recommend these settings for all projects but if you are just speed testing a benchy… :upside_down_face:

Try setting the layer height to something like .24 mm instead of the default .20 mm for a start.

Also on the machine menu screen :

And this next menu will show:

That should speed things up a bit…

Thank you for both answers. @s3sebastian @jimandyen. And yes, changing layer time makes the most difference. And thank you, Jim. I am already using this speedup feature.