Speed settings in Creality Print V5.1.4.10249

Hi. Can somebody tell me where can i find all speed settings in Creality Print V5.1.4.10249. On Creality Application on phone i have only 4 options to select for speed: 125%, 100%, 50% and Silent. I need other speed setting on desktop Creality Print V5.1.4.10249 that are in mm/s.

Hello @Зоран_Велинов …! :wave:

Welcome to the Creality Forum…! Creality

You will have to click on the advanced settings button here to see the speed and other settings in Creality Print… :arrow_heading_down:

To keep the Advanced options open without having to click that button go to the options in the top left (Gear Icon) of the page and check enabled by default. :white_check_mark:

Hello jimandyen

Thank you for help. Just again i cant find Print Speed setting like in Cura. For example, when i change Print Speed in Cura, all other speed setting are calculated and changed. After that if i want to change some of tham i can do this but not nececery. Please see picture:

Thank you in advance

it are realy only 5 settings to change by hand and half of them are 50 % settings.