Hi. Can somebody tell me where can i find all speed settings in Creality Print V5.1.4.10249. On Creality Application on phone i have only 4 options to select for speed: 125%, 100%, 50% and Silent. I need other speed setting on desktop Creality Print V5.1.4.10249 that are in mm/s.
Hello @Зоран_Велинов …!
Welcome to the Creality Forum…!
You will have to click on the advanced settings button here to see the speed and other settings in Creality Print…
To keep the Advanced options open without having to click that button go to the options in the top left (Gear Icon) of the page and check enabled by default.
Hello jimandyen
Thank you for help. Just again i cant find Print Speed setting like in Cura. For example, when i change Print Speed in Cura, all other speed setting are calculated and changed. After that if i want to change some of tham i can do this but not nececery. Please see picture:
Thank you in advance
it are realy only 5 settings to change by hand and half of them are 50 % settings.