The ender 3 v3 se supports

I need to know how to stop a print from printing the little bit that looks like this the red is the part i am talking about the rest of it is the print that is correct but the red i don’t want it there and it isn’t meant to be there.

Do you have brim set to auto or something that isn’t no brim?

i am not sure i only got it recently and how do i remove it?

It will be a setting in the slicer, which slicer are you using?

The creality print slicer and i can not find how to stop it

You should pick no brim from the brim dropdown

that looks nothing like mine

That is the latest version, which version are you running?

that looks nothing like mine mine looks like this

I don’t recognise that version, is it on a Mac or Linux?

i am on windows 11

Click on help>about us and show which version

Wow that is an old version. I don’t know that one. Either way need to find brim, as that is what it is and turn it off.

i am installing the latest one

is this corect?

That should do it…I can’t use this version with my V3SE, but that should do the trick.

why can u not

Because it doesn’t see a sonic pad, which my V3SE and Ender 5+ are connected to. Its some kind of bug/progamming error on Crealitys programmers part, it works perfectly with Orca, which should be the same.

what software should i use?