To shim or not to shim?

I’ve read that the printer makes microadjustments to account for lack of a level build plate, but it irks me to see this on my sonic pad.

Would you put shims on the build plate? And is the variance number I see there the recommended shim height? Like would I create two of them (one per side) and put them on the rear portion of the build plate based on this?

Hello Erich_Slipsager1,

Honestly, unless you have a printing problem that is attributed to it, I would not bother as it can get out to 2mm before it can’t be a problem.

If it didn’t show you, you wouldn’t know and you wouldn’t worry about it.


I would suggest that is an issue with the printhead itself.
Have you adjusted the POM wheels, at the back of the head?
Also check the gantry uprights to ensure they are square with the base
Plenty of Youtube videos on how to correctly adjust the SE, well worth a few hours to dial it in.
As has already been said if the deviation is less than 2.0mm the software will compensate, however that would dive me insane.

Less than a millimetre, I would be happy with that, mine is at 1.3 and prints fine. I did shim my V3SE to get it to about 0.3mm, made no difference to the print quality, still excellent.

I went ahead and shimmed mine. It improved the level but I did not really see any change in the prints. I just like to have things as precise as I can get them.