I printed some parts using the external spool holder. I cannot print from the CFS as I get a TR2852 error. The machine thinks that the filament is loaded in the external spool. I have cleared everything, but I still cannot use my CFS. Any Ideas on how to get the machine to use the CFS? Yes, the CFS worked previously.
Yep. Do you think that is the problem?
Did you clean up Extruder shell, especially the filament sensor on extruder?
There should be a spare one with machine, you may try to exchange as well.
This Error happens if this sensor shows Filament in extruder and therefore CFS cannot push in filament. Normally CFS pulls back filament at end of print and sensor cleares, but if sensor still says that there is filament this error is raised!
p.s.: It is defenitely not a CP6 issue!
I have cleaned the extruder 3 times now. The printer works fine with the external roll and extrudes and retracts. I only get this error after I remove the external roll and hook up the CFS. I wanted to use the CFS as I have a large project, and I wanted to load two rolls so it would auto-print when the first roll was empty.
The odds are quite fair.
I took everything apart and changed the nozzle and the sensor. I tried to calibrate and reset with no luck. I am stumped. I see no blue light ever. There is a blue light on the splitter on the back of the machine.
Ok, it seemes you changed the sensor according to Replace K2 Plus Filament Break Detection
What does fluidd say about your filament sensor?
You see an orange exclamation mark on the ‘Tune’ screen in the ‘Runout Sensor’ section if there is no filament in the extruder (sensor). If there is a green checkmark instead it shows that filament is present. If this is geen after you removed filament from spoolholder then either the sensor or the extruder main board or the cabling between them failed!
If it’s orange excalmation (like on picture) there is another Issue with the printer where maybe customer support is the only way to get help.
I just figured it out. I partially disassembled the full extruder and found that the ribbon cable that connects the filament sensor was pinched between the motor and the housing. I routed it around the motor, and the machine is now loading from the CFS. I am going through calibration now. I’m unsure how to get a replacement for it or what it is called.