Im having issues with my 22w, i bought 1 month a go, and works nice till this morning, when try to cut, is like no ending in the right point in each figure , and is very irregular in simple objects, like circlles, squares and text, y cheqk the belts, the gantry and everyting is looking ok, but i dont find the solution, im trying to post some pics but i dont know how.
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It sounds like your 22W laser is having irregular cutting issues. Check laser focus, speed settings, and software toolpaths. Ensure mechanical parts are secure.
Hi, im check all mecanical parts , it ok, the laser is set for 3mm , and i try with an old gcode, incase the problem be the sofware, and fails also., Idont find any cause, we cut 1 file for 40 minutes, change de file for other work and start failures, we back to the fiel cut ok, but also fail now, im disconcerted.