Updated Ender 3 V3 SE Firmware to 1.0.6 and Printer Wrong language

Does version 1.6 even work for anyone?

RĂ©ponse du support sur le sujet:
Dear Customer

Thank you for contacting Creality customer support.

We need more information for the printer in order to serve you better.

1:A screenshot of your complete purchase link and the order receipt/invoice (it’s a prove of warranty)

2:A picture of the SN code (it’s a bar code sticking on side of the printer /control box/about tab in the Sonicpad )

3:A video of the malfunction (you could try uploading it to any cloud drives or youtube, please check if the permission is set to public if you are using cloud drives.)

4:If you have already conducted related tests, please share the test results.

  1. Did your machine worked properly before the problem you are experiencing occurred?

Your detail information and description would be appreciated.

If you feel that the email response may not resolve your issue in a timely manner, we are here to assist you further. Please don’t hesitate to contact us through our online customer service or Facebook page, where our dedicated team of engineers is available to provide you with the best possible support. Click on “Online Services” at the bottom right corner to receive quick and efficient assistance. We greatly value your satisfaction and are continuously striving to improve our customer service. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to resolving your issue.

Customer Service Centre

AprÚs 15 jours de contacts avec le support, voici la solution préconisée et qui a fonctionné:
Dear Customer

Thank you for contacting Creality customer support.

Sorry for the bad shopping experience!

We have reported to our senior engineer that your problem appears to be caused by firmware not being flashed successfully

First, refresh the screen firmware. If the refresh is successful, successes will be displayed.Did you show up successfully? Because it’s not in your previous pictures and videos

Then update motherboard firmeareafter inserting the SD card with firmware and booting, the blue screen interface will take longer than normal booting. It is recommended to change the firmware name to 123.bin and update repeatedly/change the card and then update.

Note: After the firmware update is successful, the SD card firmware needs to be deleted.


The problem is that the screen update does not complete successfully.

J’ai appliquĂ© les recommandations du support et la mise Ă  jour a fonctionnĂ©:

  • Renommer le fichier Ender-3 V3 SE_HWCR4NS200320C13_SWV1.0.6_GD303.bin en 123.bin
  • Flasher le clavier avec le nouveau fichier TJC_SET avec la micro SD
  • ArrĂȘter l’imprimante dĂšs que la mise Ă  jour est faite sans autre action.
  • Introduire la carte SD et dĂ©marrer l’imprimante (le processus est un peu plus long)
  • L’imprimante va se rĂ©initialiser ( 1 Ă  2 minutes)
  • ArrĂȘter l’imprimante, retirer la carte SD
  • RedĂ©marrer l’imprimante, changer de langue si besoin, tout est OK
    Je n’ai pas vu de changements avec cette mise Ă  jour, mais elle est sĂ»rement necessaire.
    D’aprĂšs moi les noms de fichiers sont trop grands et celĂ  gĂ©nĂ©re une mauvaise extraction des fichiers, donc mauvaise mise Ă  jour. en renommant le fichier compressĂ© en 123.bin çà passe.

In English, rename the bin file to 123.bin. Problem is the original name is too long and it gets corrupt when extracting.

Merci Michel et comment rafraĂźchir l’écran svp?

J’ai pas reçu mon imprimante encore mais suis dĂ©jĂ  en galĂšre lol
as-tu rĂ©ussi Ă  trouver un dĂ©tecteur de filament compatible en passant? (4 pins)

to make a long story short: I tried again yesterday.
I turned the printer off and on three times with no reaction to the new driver.
Suddenly some magic happened and it just worked.
I have no idea. Did not work. it worked.
magic or black hole physics. crazy


Ha ha
 Glad it’s working for now.

Sounds like your printer has an attitude like mine

It definitely does :stuck_out_tongue:
1.6 so far so good.

I found this fixed my updating problems.


Thanks @SailorGreg for sharing that info.

Welcome to the Creality Forum

Si cela peut aider, je suis restĂ© 3 jours bloquĂ© aprĂšs un essai d’update 1.06

J’ai essayĂ© toutes les recommandations de ce thread
J’arrivais Ă  faire l’update de l’écran mais pour la carte mĂšre je restais bloquĂ© sur un Ă©cran bleu (essai nommer le fichier 123.bin et firmware.bin sans succĂšs)

AprĂšs plusieurs tentatives de retour en 1.04 mĂȘme phĂ©nomĂšne, update de l’écran oK mais pour la carte, Ă©cran bleu mĂȘme en le laissant plusieurs heures et en faisant plusieurs marchĂ© arrĂȘt

Ce qui a débloqué la situation

j’ai refait l’update du clavier en 1.04
j’ai arrĂȘtĂ© l’imprimante, enlevĂ© la micro sd du clavier
j’ai redĂ©marrĂ© l’imprimante et mis la carte SD avec le fichier nommĂ© firmware.bin

j’ai arrĂȘtĂ© l’imprimante et redĂ©marrĂ© et lĂ  ça a marchĂ©

Le fait d’avoir mis la SD avec l’imprimante sous tension semble avoir dĂ©bloquĂ© la situation pour moi

I’m not sure if you are still having this issue but I was and the way that I fixed it was by installing the screen update, turning off the printer and then putting the mainboard update in with the printer still off and then when I powered it back up it worked. part of the issue was that I didn’t unlock the mainboard card when updating the mainboard, the other issue was that my card was the wrong size and I had to use Disk Genius to make it think that it was 32gb so I could format it correctly.