Use the CFS system to change colors at specific layer heights

Google and aimless poking around in the Creality slicer haven’t shown me a way to use the CFS system to automatically change colors at user specified layer heights. I am able to use compatible models (or those that I cut up to make compatible) with selectable components to print multi-color based on the subcomponents of the object. A lot of multi-color prints are just single objects that users previously manually changed colors at layer heights.

Anyone else figured out an easy way to do this?

The color painting isn’t accurate enough for my liking when doing Hueforge prints. I found a nice little video (clip) that shows you can add an event on the layer slider (5.0), but I happen to notice in 5.1.7 it’s missing. :disappointed: I started with 5.1.7 (K2+ w/2 CFSes is my first Creality printer). I’ve been a long-time user of Simplify3D, so I’m trying to struggle with Orcaslicer to understand if I can specify changes to specific layers (i.e., material change).

in Creality Print you first have to slice the model, then you can insert a filament change in the layer slider with the right mouse button


That did it, @AnHe! See, I’m learning. Thanks!

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