Using shop air for air assist

I would like to try to use shop air instead of the supplied pump for air assist on my 40-watt Falcon 2. I want to try using the factory trigger for the pump to trigger a solenoid air valve and regulator plumbed into my air compressor. I know that the factory pump runs at 24 volts AC So I got a 24 Volt solenoid. My concern is can I wire it straight into the control port on the Falcon 2 or do I have to worry about protecting the circuit somehow? I have the correct plug wiring and a regulator, I am just worried that the solenoid coil opening and closing will cause enough of a folded spike to damage the output on the laser, but of course, the factory pump I’m sure has some kind of inductive oil also so maybe it’s not a problem?

Does anybody know or has anybody tried this?

I would either buffer it or at least add some kind of protection like a flyback diode etc.
If you run the output of the Falcon 2 into a high impedance circuit instead of letting it run the solenoid directly nothing will happen. Like a external MOSFET or solid state relay board.

s3sebastian, Can you explain this in terms that someone who understands the usefulness of this (Clearly I’m asking the question), But considers myself electronically challenged would understand it?

For example, I understand the use of a flyback diode, or I believe you can use a capacitor also across a coil that is being switched with DC voltage, but I believe the output on the Creality air assist connection is actually twenty-four volts AC. Does that work the same way ? How does AC change it ? (I’ve run into this before with a nitrous system on my car where if you pulsed the solenoid fast enough the terminals would weld themselves shut on the relay from the voltage spike unless you protected the circuit)

Can you give suggestions on what to use to buffer the Solenoid coil that I am likely to have around (I have basic resistors capacitors, diodes, and more complicated parts, but I don’t have something like a spare SSR sitting around and I don’t want to run separate power for that.)

thank you, and sorry for the weird punctuation and capitalization, I just had surgery on my hand and can’t type, and am muddling through speech-to-text in Windows and trying to stay ahead of the errors.

I just mentioned what I would do to protect the electronics of the Falcon itself. If I would want to design something like that I would have to hook up the oscilloscope and look at the output signal. I have to look if there is an easy way to interface it, I don’t have a plug like the one used by the air assist.