Dear all again!
I wanted to share with you another small trick which I use especially with K2 Plus because of it’s large build volume: Drying my silica gel packs when printing PETG or ASA/ABS!
I use these silica gel packs (mainly 50g packs from Wisedry) in my bags for nearly all filaments and now also in the CFS.
WHenever I print parts in PETG/ASA/ABS where I have the bed temp 70+°C I put on the free space (which had will not touch) the gel packs .
Above you see an ASA print I just run and the gel packs on the print plate.
As the print will run ~4h the packs get regenerated very well and can be reused again.
You see on CFS display that the re-generated packs work well in CFS again!
For those of you who can deal with klipper/fluidd you can install also some macros to use the printer as a filament dryer - when not printing! I did that with code from Klipper Filament Dryer code