Vertical White Lines in Creality Print Preview and In Print

I am experiencing an issue when printing I get areas of vertical lines. I realized today that these lines also show in the Preview within Creality Print in white. Since most everything else shows as red, is this alerting me to an issue? On the good side at least I can now know when they’re going to happen. Unfortunatly though I am not sure how to resolve the issue. Is it a setting I’m using in the slice profile or a bug in the slicer? In the Prepare view, the STL model does not show these lines, so it seems like they are not an issue with the STL, but I can’t be sure of that either. I highlighted some of these in the included photo… there are others there you can see too.

Hi @3dee and Welcome to the Creality Forum…!!

You can change where the Zseam is in the slicer. Yours is probably set to random. On the screen shot here are the settings in Creality Print where you can set the printer and try different settings.

On the far right of your screen you will see a color chart that shows what the different colors mean. For example the green is the inner wall and the dark red is the outer wall. The white dots are the Zseam where the nozzle changes direction. This is normal and there’s nothing wrong with your print.
Try setting it to “sharpest corner” for your particular model… :grinning:

Hope that helps a little… :+1: :christmas_tree:

This was one of those times where just typing a message made me realize how to figure it out myself. That is, how to tell what the color white meant… as I remembered that there are color descriptions shown in the G-Code P{review window.

The initial settings that caused the lines were already what your suggested. I changed this to Random to see how it plays out… and as expected white dots then appear in random places on each layer in the Preview. I’ll see tomorrow how it looks when printed.

The other options for Seam Corner Preference might also have an effect, but “Hide Seam” definitly doesn’t hide the seam in this case.

BTW… this print is a lithophane… and the seams really ruin the look of the image… the long seam lines in particular.

I can see where the settings would make a difference on a lithophane.
Yes let us know how it turns out.! :grinning: :christmas_tree: :+1:

Just have to tinker with the settings.

I made my first lithophane last month. It’s incredible how that works… Nice.

Have fun…