Weird grinding nose

I was going to print something and it would be normal at first but after it goes off the base plate. I tried to use glue but it doesn’t work so I opened the nozzle and put it back together. After I put the same pla filliment in the hole after I took the same bit out. So I started a print but as soon as it got to the corner the motor for the fillenment to get pulled in makes a grinding noise. I don’t know what I did and I don’t know if I broke it

Have you checked the extruder? A grinding noise often means that filament isn’t being pulled through.

Yeah the filliment is getting pushed through when I was putting the same pla but at a start of a print it makes a grinding noise and the pla won’t come trough

And I couldn’t open the extruder

Clogged nozzle, either a cold pull or overheat the nozzle to 250 and try extruding through. Might even be looking at a new nozzle.

The nozzle is clean and everything is working but the same thing is happening when I start a print but this time it shows warning key 2022

How do I recalibrate the x and y because when it moves to the side the button gets clicked but it tries to keep moving so it made a grinding noise

And also this happened after I opened the nozzle area and put it back together

So the toolhead is reaching the limit switches but it continues to move. Check the wiring to the limit switches both at the switch and at the mainboard. Is it doing this on both the X and Y switches?

When the nozzle gets to the x point it clicks but it just keeps going so there’s a grinding nose

Could be the limit switch connection is broken or the limit switch itself. You can get new switches on Aliexpress/Amazon. The weird grinding noise is the stepper motor not shutting off because the switch isn’t tripping. I get it when the Y is at the very front of the travel where there is no switch.

How do I fix the x switch

Just double checking which printer you have. The V3SE has a slightly different daughterboard to the V3KE, the switch is on the board

I fixed it thank you for all your help!

Was it a new switch or a new board?

A new switch