Who puked into the code?

Since the release of CP9904, prints have had issues. 9904 is a steaming pile disguised as code.
Example I sent (I have many others):

The Model. Green straightedge to show underside of print being perfect for printing. NOTE the Blue feet.

Just a closeup for the nit pickers…move along…nothing to nitpick here…lol

So here is the x-ray. I actually built feet on/over the original feet due to printing issues. Lotsa nice solid plastic there (16 walls, monotonic, 0 angle, again- trying to solve print issues)
Here’s the fun part. I only had Cprint installed, so I snagged a couple other slicers.
First up: Galaxy Slicer (just because it got real bad reviews)

Look at that 1st layer, pretty nice and smooth.
Next Cura, I haven’t used it for about a year now. Fresh dnld, vanilla settings - had to got to work so no time to tweak anything.

Dang! Does that look nice or what?
So how does CP compare?

What’s with all the gaps? No wonder prints are getting trashed-CP9904 - Customer Problem V5.1.2.9904
I reviewed a bunch of fails and they trace back to this load of (Insert Nasty Thing Here) !
Thankfully, there is a repository of older versions: