Why does filament keep coming out of my nozzle before printing

I have the ended 3 v3 ke and and filament keeps coming out of the nozzle before printing also wondering why the nozzle is half a centre meter over the build plate even though I have calibrated it if someone could help me it would be much appreciated

Oozing a little while it is heating is quite normal, this will be wiped off when it prints the purge line. Nozzle half a centimetre above the bed, is that once you have sent it a file to print or just while it is at rest? It sits above 5mm above the bed when it isn’t doing anything, but it will only ooze if you’ve heated the hotend. If it is 5mm above the bed when it is trying to print then it isn’t calibrated properly…5mm z-offset is pretty big.

Thanks, fixed it anyway but now my prints keep failing half way through and strings of filiment goes everywhere and I was wondering why

Sounds like it is losing adhesion to the bed and creating “spaghetti”. Could be the bed needs cleaning properly, could be the bed is a little cold, could be that the print might need a brim, could be your z-offset needs to be tweaked to be closer to the bed, could be that a gluestick might help, What material and temps? For PLA I use 200-210°C for the nozzle and 50-55°C for the bed, I try to stay below 60 as the is the glass transition temperature of PLA and will remain soft/pliable giving elephants foot and other problems. A pic of the first layer will give a clue.

I agree with Bonfireman’s view that the appearance of a large number of messy filament is generally related to temperature and retraction settings.