Wrong firmware update

Hi everyone,

I need some help with my Ender 5 Plus. I recently updated both the mainboard and touchscreen firmware but ran into issues afterward.

  • Printer: Ender 5 Plus
  • Mainboard: Creality V2.2
  • Original firmware update: Ender-5 Plus-Marlin2.0.8.3_HW_V4.2.2_SW_V1.0.7
  • Current firmware: Ender-5 Plus-Marlin1.1.6-HW-V2.2-SW-V1.70.3BLTouchMulti0411

After flashing the first firmware (for the V4.2.2 board, which I later found is incompatible), the touchscreen stopped working properly. I switched back to a version compatible with my V2.2 board, but now the touchscreen only shows colored lines, and nothing works.

Steps I’ve taken:

  1. Reflashed the mainboard with Marlin1.1.6-HW-V2.2-SW-V1.70.3BLTouchMulti0411.
  2. Tried reflashing the touchscreen firmware, but I’m not sure I have the correct DWIN_SET files.

Has anyone encountered this issue, and where can I find the correct DWIN_SET files to restore my touchscreen functionality?

Thanks in advance!

You will find what you are looking for here, used it myself and all good.

Thank you, that helped.