Anyone have popping and exposed wires in their K1?


I opened a new K1 Max from the Creality Store this week. During unboxing, I noticed many exposed wires and several parts that I did not see mentioned in the setup videos. Upon turning the unit on, it started going through the setup, but as the bed raised I heard a popping noise coming from inside. Upon inspection, I believe the plastic items are covers for a conduit channel inside the unit and I was able to place the left insider back on the back. How do the others fit? Does anyone have any images to share what they should look like?

Also, I believe I found the source of the popping. I noticed a bearing or something in the top back area above the rear bed lifting screw. Can anyone comment here on fixing this?

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Here a picture of the cable holder (you can print a new one yourself look for “creality k1 max parts”

maybe you can pop it back in (use a plier to force it back in) (or use some heat to fix the backbearing.)

Thank you @tjan! Very helpful. Could you share with me two other images on yours?

How’s the inside fan on the right wired up and where?

Also, is that bearing or whatever in the top back of the unit the same?

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right fan runs into this plug.

you should look at this post of my too

I do not understand your last question. (but maybe you can buy a new bearingholder and bearing at the topback in the middle)

here you can see the bearing at the top of the leadscrew