Auto Z Offset Leveling not working

Just unpacked and built the printer, upon turning on the printer it asks for language and goes through with its auto offset, probe pops out and finds the correct height, but then the nozzle travels to front left corner of base plate and then the whole printer like turns off and turns back on prompting me to select a language and starts the leveling offset all over again, please help.

Check where the ribbon cable goes onto the hot end. I bought a second hand ender 3v3se and it was going nuts on leveling. Between that and tightening up the carriage for the hot end it works fine

Check the that the PSU voltage is correct for your country. By default it is set to 230V but some countries are 115V and will reboot the machine if incorrectly selected. DO NOT SET IT TO 115V IF YOU ARE IN A 230V COUNTRY.

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Yep sounds like a power select problem

I am having the same issue. How do you adjust the power

There is a little switch/slider on the PSU to toggle between 230/115V, its on the back of the machine by the power cable