Hi! My son’s printer (Ender 3 v3 SE) started doing extrange things and keep in an infinite loop while booting… so I decided to update the firmware. I followed the link from:
After installing the mainboard firmware the printer doesn’t work, it only shows the blue wallpaper on the display.
Double checking the process I’ve found that the firmware was incorrectly linked and it was for an Ender 3 S1 (!!!) but now the printer is bricked and does not reinstall the right firmware.
Please!!! any link, suggestion, trick or tip I can take to try to restore the firmware?
I’m not afraid of trying to peek around the software or the electronics to try to burn again any firmware to recover the printer, but I didn’t found any tutorial or doc that shows a complete solution for the V3 SE
Meanwhile Customer Support is not responding my email yet
I’m in a 230V country and the printer was working properly till the day it started failing and I did the “wrong firmware update”.
I was wondering how to flash the right firmware because following official instructions (main board firmware renamed as 123.bin or similar in an SD card with FAT32, etc.) does not work. I don’t know if there’s any other firmware to try, way to flash it through USB, or even any way to get a backup of the original memory contents to try to burn it again with something more close to hardware.
I know that went to reflash my V3SE to original firmware it was difficult. Had to reflash mainboard and screen firmware, 2 different files. It kind of worked but as usual the mainboard kept eating SDcards so I put it back onto my Sonic Pad. Not sure if you can flash through USB-C but there is a project on here that might be of interest that might help.
As you probably already know, the SE doesn’t play nice with SD cards and as you can see that is why Bonfireman went back to using the Sonic pad… I have one also and it is the best upgrage you can do for your printer…
That is not getting your problem fixed at this point though …
What I suggest is getting a “new” 8GB SD card (NO bigger than 8GB ! ).
Put the new firmware.bin file on it.
With printer turned off, insert the SD card.
Turn the printer on. Wait one minute.
Turn the printer off. Remove the SD card.
Turn the printer on.
At this point, maybe all is good, but, maybe not ? in which case you will have to format the SD card and put the .bin for the display on it and do the above steps again.
When you have it sorted, go buy a Sonic pad. You will have WiFi control amongst other things.
Try to run the firmware update (1.0.6) from the main board from the SD Card. → Failed!
By mistake, I tried to cange firmware to version 1.0.4 using an SD Card formatted with FAT (NOT FAT32) a lots of other files (but only one with .bin extension for the firmware), I left it a few minutes (the screen was like not working) and when I backed to the printer the firmware was installed (the display was changed and wrong because the version was not aligned, but that was minor problem).
After installing 1.0.4 in the display I tried a print… but it didn’t work. The process looked like if it were working, but at the point where the printer should start the print the fans run at full speed but nothing printed. So I tried to upgrade to 1.0.6.
Using the same SD Card (FAT, not FAT32) for the main board I could manage to install 1.0.6 and with another microSD (FAT32) I updated the firmware for the display.
A quick test, after calibration, looks like everything is working again. I’ve seen many issues I didn’t see before, but, at least, it’s now alive!
Thank you all for your messages! If you weren’t said to retry it so many times and with different cards I’d gave up.