Blue screen of death- stuck on update screen

Hey all, I’m trying to get my printer working but i’m stuck on the blue screen of death. I’ve attempted reflashing the firmare to the screen, but it doesn’t move past the screen in the picture. Any ideas? I’m thinking maybe I need a new screen or motherboard, but I’d rather not just start replacing things needlessly. Appreciate any help!

What and where are you naming the bin file? Tried a new SDcard the V3SE likes to destroy them.

On the standard sd card for the printer I was just naming it firmware11825.bin, and on the micro sd for the screen I just left it as the default TJC_SET folder

Hello ekurth,

As Bonfireman mentioned, the V3SE model likes to break SD cards.
So it would probably be best to try with a new (formatted) “8GB” SD card.
Apart from the desire to EAT SD cards, it does not like the taste of anything bigger than 8GB.

Smaller is ok because the firmware file is only a fraction of 1GB anyway.


Okay, so I just got a new 8gb card. This at least made the update go through on the screen, however after rebooting i’m still stuck on the blue screen. Trying the machine firmware update is still doing nothing as well.

Thanks for all the help. I don’t know what happened, by I apparently blinked the right way or something because trying it again worked.

Hello ekurth,

Good to hear :slight_smile:


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A black cat walked past the window. Great that it worked by feline miracles.

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