Calibration of new (non CR preconfigured) filament - how to for K2

No, this is not on the printer screen, it is on any web browser which you point to http://ip-of-your-printer:4408/, for example for me and then in your web browser you see the klipper/fluidd page where you can control the printer remotely without CP6. This is just the remote control (web) page of the printer!
And yes, you see the numbers only until the next print, so read them before you send any new print!

Awesome! Thanks

creality gonna block custom rfid on next firmware update…info came from gilouz on the d&g youtube channel

Just wanted to show you that for some new filaments which I want to print as fast as possible (flow rate > 15 mm³/s) I run also Max flow rate test in CP6, for high speed PLA for example like this:

The outcome is the maximum flow rate I can use in the filament profile.
For the above elegoo Rapid PLA+ it was 25 mm3/s @ 225° nozzle temp.
The left one was @220°.

[quote=“FallEquinoxGuy, post:22, topic:27472, full:true”]
Awesome! Thanks
Awesome! Thanks

creality gonna block custom rfid on next firmware update…info came from gilouz on the d&g youtube channel

Hello classybk,

I don’t believe they actually are going to.


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Creality was (and did with newest update) to block unencrypted tags.
The custom app has been updated and is compatible with the firmware changes.

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The only source for this information, I searched everywhere around the internet including asking in Reddit and Facebook groups, Thank you so much