Can the KE use 0.2mm nozzles?

I’ve moved from the Ender 3 to the Ender 3 V3 KE printer. I’m overall happy with the prints but would love to explore different nozzle sizes. I liked printing with 0.2mm nozzles with the older Ender 3. Is this still possible with the KE?


Old thread reply, but I am going to get a 0.2mm nozzle and try to use the Ender 3 V3 SE 0.2mm nozzle settings for my KE and see what happens. I am using Orca too, and I think I’m going to have to Install the 0.2mm SE printer from their printer list and manually copy the Process settings for each different layer info to then re-create the whole with a custom 0.2mm Nozzle Printer save file for the KE. Confusing? Will update in a few weeks when I get it installed the files created. Cross fingers. LOL

I have a 0.2mm nozzle on the way for my V3SE which has a Microswiss hotend, I shall fit it to my V3KE also with Microswiss hotend to see how it fares.

Cool…I shall let you deal with any and all hassles and report back before I make the jump. LOL.

Seriously though I did put in the cart the Microswiss heatsink block and their FlowTech hotend cold nozzle change setup, but don’t know which 0.2mm nozzle to pick? Those 2 are about 75US with tax, plus a nozzle.

I think the flowtech 0.2mm only comes in brass. They are quite cheap at £17, they are US made so shouldn’t be too bad on tax one would have thought. I am not getting a Diamondback nozzle, £125 a pop jeez.

WOW! that better print gold! lol. I’ll stick with a brass cheapy. And I had to find off brand brass 0.2mm in a kit - they have brass and hardened steel too. Can get it all for less than 100, so it’s going in my wish list for a couple weeks until after I get some lower back medical work done mid-Feb. Priorities unfortunately.

Are you telling me that you have “Gold filament” ? how many carrots ?

LOL. More like hoping for the water to wine trick…plastic filament turns to gold filament finished product. L125 for a nozzle is nuts!