Cloud & Klipper - Best of both?

Hi All, newby here, thanks in advance for your patience.

I use Orca for all my slicing but want to be able to connect Orca directly to me KE so that I don’t need to export and upload gcode files for every print.

BUT, I don’t want to lose the ability to remotely control my printer via the Creality Cloud, i.e. I see a printing mess on my webcam and I want to stop the print from my phone.

I’ve been unable to determine if the available rooting options will allow me to stay connected to the Creality Cloud whilst also allowing me to connect with Orca via my LAN.

Any advice appreciated.

While it’s not a direct connection between your slicer and printer, it does allow you to utilize your printer from your desktop, via your network. The drawback is you need a Pi, but Octoprint (there are a few others around) will do that for you.

Thank you Chaxe

Can you guide me in how to do this or provide a URL to a guide?

Other forums advised I replace the printer’s mainboard, needless to say I don’t want to do anything that extreme just yet, I just want the ability to maintain Creality cloud control, while also being able to connect 3rd party slicers like Orca.

Thank you!

Goto this link for the official site. Here you can download and there are a ton of resources for help and etc.

I use this guys video to learn how to do it, it’s really simple and he does a good job with step by step.


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