i cant get the damn thing to stick on the bed when i print it keeps moving around and it pissing me off
i used to never have this issue
Have you switched to PEI print bed?
Yes get the PEI printbed, the PC one isn’t great. Make sure the bed is perfectly clean (fairy/dawn washing liquid, dry in air then wipe with isopropyl alcohol (IPA)) following this Z-offset adjstments, the autolevel is good but it isn’t perfect, I find I need to adjust my z-offset down by 0.05-0.1mm to get it stick properly. This bit takes a little practice to get right. No shame in using a gluestick either
z offset looks to be a little high try adjusting it in 0.05mm step while printing a wide skirt.
CHeck your height of the bed, it is unlikely you would need a skirt/brim for that shape.
The skirt was suggested for a reason…
Exactly, you can see the filament being laid down onto the bed, it takes a little trial and error but you’ll be able to see it working. A bit like tuning a guitar.