Creality Print 5.0.0 Release

I have just downloaded the latest version and still the problem remains with windows 10 where you can’t open the application in full screen and the pointer has to be 1.5 cm above whatever you want to select really needs to be fixed.

Did you try to install last version of ORCA slicer? Creality Print 5 is based on older version of this slicer.

I noticed a mysterious shiftment of the pointer (its offset from real coordinates) in the CP5, but it only happened occasionally during operation, but I could not find an obvious cause that would cause this phenomenon. After restart application it was always OK…

No I have not tried ORCA yet I have seen posts saying there is problems using supports with that with K1 machines. I have restarted my application and even with the latest update still the same.

So, then just try the latest ORCA, this is the same program. The difference is only in the GUI. Just install and try, if you will see the same problem or not. I believe that your problem is perhaps just in the GUI, which Creality made.
I encountered your problem in CP, but it was enough to restart the program to solve this problem. I haven’t seen this problem in Orca (because I use ORCA slicer in parallel). So try it so we can rule out (or confirm) the likely cause. It is easy. :slight_smile:

Hello guys :slight_smile:

new version of Creality Print

enjoy and send feedback.

have a nice day !

There are problems with this release, pausing prints and causing error 2000 which requires a restart (V3 and V3plus). The print quality also deteriorates the more you use it and requires you to do a “reset to default” through the printer menu to fix it until it happens again(K1 series). There are several of us that have been using this of a little while and the problems are consistent. It has been report to Creality Support who are investigating

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I also noticed that no new printers were added and that the resize problems persist
thanks for the feedback.

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Still doesn’t work with a 3V3SE via Sonic Pad, the first layer is fine, second layer is too low, 3rd layer just rips the print apart, manual Z offset avoids this. Of the opinion that there is no increment in the Z with every layer or there is negative Z movement. It simply doesn’t work. Return to the old version 4.8.3 and it is back to normal.

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Yes I have now downloaded and tried Orca and it is good so it is just Creality print 5 that is the issue because Creality print 4 was OK.

Creality Print 5.03 works well. 5.1 has a few problems

the orca slicer it´s a powerfull tool for creality prints and others in this moment.

creality shows chinese language when no filament is in the sensor???

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It does seem very good only 1 complaint is that the print time seems longer with Orca I used the same settings as Creality Print 5 but got longer print times.

Hm, it should be absolutely the same, when you are using exactly the same settings, because CP5 = Orca. CP5 is Orca, just with reduced printers (only newest Creality printers) and customized GUI (graphic user interface) made by Creality.
Compare all settings and you will see :wink:

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Creality print is saving files with wrong date 2020-03-01 (see file cable clip on picture below)

after when I set cursor on top of list and try again saving the file it is saving the file with the the right date.???
somehow it uses the date where the cursor is on in the filelist.

Hey, that’s probably a feature of Klipper, or respektivelly its FLUIDD interface.
Now I am using QIDI slicer (it is remake/mutation of PRUSA Slicer) and I see axactly the same fenomen. (and I am sure I tested it also from CrealityCURA and CrealityPrint and ORCA as well)
It’s just that Klipper (Fluidd) lives his own life and obviously in his own time.
And it’s not just with print files. The same applies to the configuration file. When I upload, for example, printer.cfg (I completely delete the old one first and upload a new one, which I know for sure that I created it just today), then in the Fluidd interface I can see it with any date and maybe from 2022… even though I know , that I have the date set correctly in Klipper. And for example the date of my printing files are shifted 1 year, 7 months and one day back. :sunglasses:
So, I don’t get excited about it at all anymore… :wink:

So — in short: it’s not a fault of the slicer, but a feature of Klipper (respectively its FLUIDD interface). :slight_smile:



The above are links to the latest version, you can try to download it directly.

Creality Print V5.1.0 Update Notes:

New Features:

  1. Added multiple process parameters:
  • Quality: Slant seam, arc fitting tolerance, retain slight internal bridging (experimental), minimum allowable wall length, wall printing direction, small area infill flow compensation (experimental) and flow compensation model, countersink bridging.
  • Strength: Smart infill, gap fill.
  1. Added model integrity check and repair functionality (Windows).
  2. Added assembly, parts, negative parts, modifiers, support adders, and shrouds.
  3. Added 3MF project file upload to Creality Cloud.
  4. Added spherical smear tool (Z-seam drawing, coloring, support smearing).
  5. Added support for three new languages: Japanese, Korean, and French.
  6. Added multiple calibration functions: Retraction speed, speed (maximum speed, speed tower, jitter speed, fan speed), acceleration (maximum acceleration, acceleration tower, deceleration acceleration), arc fitting.
  7. Added acceleration information in slice preview.
  8. Upgraded user feedback system.
  9. Added more error message prompts.
  10. Improved re-slicing speed after parameter modification.
  11. Optimized some interactive operations.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed other known issues.

(Update Notes - Translated by ChatGPT)

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Information Disclosure

(This is the information I have gathered so far, but the final outcome may vary.)

  1. In July or August, two minor updates will be released. The plan includes optimizing custom machine profiles, adding custom materials, and incorporating multi-color engraving functionality.

  2. In July or August, support for additional languages will be added, including Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, and Ukrainian, etc.

  3. In the third quarter, version 5.2 is expected to be released. In addition to enhanced functionality, some new tools specifically for multi-color printing will be introduced.

Yes could be so.
Well I will download/install Creality Print tonight and see how it turns out.

Still not working for the Ender 3V3SE with Sonic Pad. First layer is perfect and then it gets worse and worse. Unuseable.