Creality Print 5.0.0 Release

The above is a link to the latest version, you can try to download it directly. Or you can go to Creality Cloud to get it.

Creality Print V5.0.0.8636 Update Notes:

  1. Comprehensive upgrade of UI.
  2. Settings configuration upgrade.
  3. Support painting.
  4. Z seam painting.
  5. Efficient multi-plates management.
  6. Multi-color printing.
  7. Synchronizing configuration by the cloud.
  8. Adaptive layer.
  9. Fixed several bugs.

Hi Optimus,

in which screen can I find adaptive layers in creality print 5.0.

in creality print 4.3.8 I know it is under experimental.

or did I mis some section while installing 5.0?

Last icon along the top

thank you very much

i have the same issue ? maybe some expert guy can help .

@amberhelios and @Optimus

Can you tell me where I can find the G offset in creality print 5.0?

In creality print 4.3.8 it was under experimental. (was set at -0.15mm using my textured PEI plate)

only what I can find in creality print 5.0 is tab manage printer,tab basic information, tab printable space, last item Z offset ( is set at 0 mm)

and found in tab manage printer, tab extruder1, item Position, extruder offset (is set at 0x0 mm)

is one of these last two the setoff setting?

edit the printer, click show advanced its on the first screen

It doesn’t let it change to a minus position e.g. -0.15 it then turns red surroundlined.

I want to lower the nozzle height during printing on my textured plate


You didn’t answer my question so I suppose you can’t adjust the nozzle height in a minusposition in creality print 5.0…

thanks anyway

I looked for that adjustment in Creality Print 5.0 and wasn’t able to find it.
You can do this in the earlier version.
I’m not really used to 5.0 yet. Maybe I’ll like it better when I use it for awhile…??
I now am running both versions on here.

You might already know this but you can adjust the Z offset on the printer menu. It’s temporary but it lets you know how much you need to move the nozzle.

Yes you told me that in a post before that temporary adjusting on the printer menu.

in creality 4.3.8 I knew how to set it but I think in 5.0 they have improved something so you can only adjust upwards in + and not downward with - sign.

If I do minus the field shows redlines surounded and rejects the setting

You are right… It doesn’t make sense though. A user should be able to adjust either way unless they are making it “goof proof” so a user doesn’t damage their machine…??

Z offset can be saved on the printer after printing completes by saving the configuration or issuing an m500 to store the settings.

My offset is stored on the printer never do it via the slicer so I haven’t tested it. Why would you be using positive offset on the z.

It’s possible that it’s doing it the same as klipper where offset is positive not negative

I did answer the question you raised as I showed you were the setting was.

Please note I am just a printer user and just answering questions at my leisure, I’m not associated with Creality other then I have a few of their printers over the years and lend a hand with marlin and klipper builds

it is okay amberhelios

I was trying to lower the nozzle so a minus position is required.

wait you said klipper uses positive numbers to lower the nozzle? I don’t think so.

thanks for your response

I tend to do my offsets on the printer directly, I can see what the nozzle and filament are doing then. The software offset caused more problems for me as it seems to be a cumulative thing, ie for every print it drop the nozzle by yet another offset so that after a number of prints the Z would be too low. Not bothered doing it since.

Its stores as positive in the settings of its minus it errors out as the nozzle will be through the bed

Example for you below.

sensor_pin: ^PB1
control_pin: PB0
x_offset: -45.5
y_offset: -6
z_offset: 1.35


here in creality print 4.3.8. you can change the offset to a minus position. It is lowering the nozzle. (it is set as -0.15 using it especially for my PEI plate)

the question is why it is not possible in creality print 5.0 or who knows where to find it in creality print 5.0? Or why it is gone or does creality print 5.0 use different settings for each plate of choice?

It is there Printer edit and advanced

Kind Regards Kenneth

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you can still use it as a minus even though it is red

looks like all minus are coming through as red the one below is default at -2 and is red


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thank you I found that by myself but now it indeed does accept a minus position as well (altough the redsurroundedline is there to warn)

Yesterday it didn’t accept minus position but now today it does accept

thanks it helped me