Creality Print 5.1 satisfaction survey

Hello everyone!

It’s been some time since the release of version 5.1, and we would like to hear about your experience using the software. Please click the link below to share your thoughts:

PS: There might be surprises waiting for you!

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If you want to communicate directly with the CP5 team, please click on the topic below, thanks.

Can you make it so when I select Plate type that it stays what I selected
when I open Creality Print Plate is what I had last selected
and not default back to the Smooth PEI Plate.
Thanks Rob

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These are bugs that I have noticed while using Creality print 5.1.
1.Not able to drill a blind hole.
2.Square holes expressed in radius???
3.Square holes not able to be oriented the way you want
4.Text and edit text menu changes, sometimes you can change positive and negative values and other times it’s not there.
Some of these problems might be my understanding of the methods of use

Should show the survey as dead now.

Thanks for the reminder, I have asked the R&D team to reopen the questionnaire.

Here’s an internal survey for our forum members who are very interested in Creality Print V5. Since our user base is smaller compared to other groups, I’ve decided to share this internal survey here as well.

The survey platform is built using software other than Google. If you’re interested, please feel free to fill it out. Rest assured, the link is secure.

Click here: Creality Print Feedback

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How do I make the list bigger so I can see all in Object section ?


why is it i put the project in the slicer save it to the usb but when I try to load it it doesn’t show up on the screen

I will have to go back to 5.0 MAC. It will not connect to my network printers.

I can Ping the printers
I am on the same LAN
I am NOT a network novice - 5.1 cannot network print from a MAC. I will have to go try my Windows PCs.

Why does it leave gaps in 1st layers?

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