Did Creality test the K2 before shipping to customers?

First time Creality buyer here, and no I’m not some Bambu Labs fan boy trying to cause issues here, but I’m astounded by the amount of issues people are having with the K2 Plus just looking at the first page of this forum.

If you have been following my journey this is my second K2 unit. Although second unit is better, I still have some concerns to be honest. The amount of money I have spent on this unit not to mention the wasted filament does fit the price point. It is made even worse if i take exchange rate into account which sees me paying $2000 for this unit! That is a hell of a lot of money for this amount of issues and quite frankly has left a bad taste in my mouth.

Don’t get me wrong when unit works it works very well. I just don’t get that warm fuzzy feeling that my prints will work out the gate and not having to worry or baby sit the print.

To add insult to injury the issues raised here have not been addressed by anyone from Creality!


Hi all,
That is a VERY true statement and one that needs to be addressed by @CREALITY

It is no small matter and one that could end by a vast amount of people walking away from Creality as a brand.

How many disgruntled people out there that have not found this forum yet, or will.

Their lousy software is also making it worse by screwing with printers that were running well, now having lots of issues.

SO @CREALITY , step up and say something … DO something !! … don’t leave it too late.


Of course all the people who have had no issues with their printers wont be posting on forums. I have a CR10SE and had a filament detector failure and Creality support were good at working through the problem with me and sending me replacement parts.


My original K2 was a complete dud out of the box. Something screwy with the X/Y motors or possibly the main board. It would just lose it’s place and smash into the sides or back. To Creality’s credit they did try and help, leading me through various calibrations but to no avail and it took ages with back and forth Messenger and emails. I don’t think they were geared up for the massive response to the printer. In the end they agreed to replace it and this new one has been pretty much perfect so far.

I will say their software though is pretty toilet. It does work but they could have done a better job with the UI, and reading the discord they are making efforts to rectify any issues fairly quickly. I did get the K2 with that promo last year for half price so can’t complain too much. I stuck with Creality as my CR6SE and CR6Max have been beasts over the years although heavily modified from the original. Would I have bought the K2 if I didn’t get it cheaper…maybe not, or not until it had been out in the wild for a bit longer to iron out the various bugs.


I for one have not had a problem. My V3SE printer has worked flawlessly since I bought it, yet, I joined this forum.

My reason for joining was to gain knowledge from people that know what they are doing in 3D and also help if there is something I can contribute.

I also keep a watch for problems that come up. And from what I have seen so far, I will NOT use CR version 6 and will give it a good while before I upgrade any firmware.
It ain’t broke, so it don’t need fixin’


I agree with you as well. I told a friend I was buying a Creality printer, and he just shook his head (He is an old Ender user). My response was that the reviewers seemed to like it. He just let me know I was taking my chances.
Boy was he right I have had the 1rst layer (Non-Flat bed) issue that several others have had in the forum.

For the amount of money I expected better out of the box. I feel like the later production batches have not been tuned or checked like the ones that made it to the reviewers.

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I e seen alot of the issues as I have a YouTube channel on 3d printing. Alot of the ones Ive seen are user error. Some are not. And some are cause by Fed ex and the horrible way they handled these machines. You gotta handle it pretty rough to get things to come unplugged or to break off feet of the printer. So I don’t think it’s all on Creality. I happen to be a seasoned user but I have not had a single issue with mine. That said, maybe I can help you through your issues. I’ve helped alot of people and most are simple fixes that weren’t an issue with the printer. Feel feee to email me stayreadychat@gmail

Like me. Not a single issue from mine

I have had nothing but problems after the latest release of firmware. The CFS doesn’t auto-load filament, and I’ve disassembled it and made sure it was clean (there was some debris in the bottom part where the filament comes out the back, but it was minimal. Nonetheless, every bit of cleaning/diagnosing helps.)

I still have the four original rolls of filament that came with the printer. None of them work in any of the CFS slots anymore.

So, eliminating the CFS from the equation, the printer itself is struggling with all kinds of errors from the spool holder, and I’m also using official Creality CR-PETG filament there.

This is my fourth 3D printer; I really like my original K1, which still works great (after replacing the extruder), which makes this experience all the more unfortunate.

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Funny you should mention the large amount of issues people seem to be having. I have been 3D printing for about 6 years and have 3 Creality Ender machines, but wanted to print in more than 1 color, so I looked at the Bambu lab Forum and saw many happy customers compared to Creality buyers. So I purchased a Bambu Lab A1 and no problems so far, printed straight out of the box. Creality seemed to be in too much of a hurry to start making money without fixing some of their problems. Highly unlikely I will purchase another Creality machine.


I have also recently bought a K2, after using a Resin printer for 2 years. (Printed over 30 kgs of resin parts, figures and such so i have some experience with resin printere)

And to be honest there has been so many issiues that it has been a horror experience, if i had started with FDM and not Resin i would have quit 3D printing ages ago.

The auto leveling is terrible so was forced to do a manual leveling, wich is somthing i kind of though you wouldnt need to do on a 2024 printer. But its alright.

I cannot send the 3D prints from the creality software dirrectly because the print will fail, in the middle of the print it will creat a line over the entire plate from the middle and towards the trash bind.

If i transfer the same file over usb everything goes fine on that front.

I have had 62 Print attempts and only around 10 of them have been remotely successful.

The supports fail often from the build plate, and offten it fails after 10hours of print time.

The machine has crashed a lot of times just stoped and shut off, ive had issiues with the collor changer.

The printer suddenly returned back to the back center mid print and scratched the build plate, so i had to change the nozzel, and i also need to buy a new build plate because now i have an engraved line on mine.

Over 2.5 Kg filament waisted in failed prints.

My list just keeps going on and on.

Well i just got my hands on this forum and was about to ask creality for some support and find out if there was some warrenty towards the nozzle and the build plate when i saw this post.

So though id share my experience from the past ~10 days of learning a FDM printer

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Bueno, yo vengo del mundo de los cajeros automáticos (ATM), pero con ninguna experiencia en impresión FDM. He adquirido recientemente (llegará el próximo día 20 de Enero) una K2 Plus, principalmente por el tamaño de impresión y los diferentes materiales (los cambios de color en mi caso pasan de momento a un segundo plano).

Y tengo que decir que después de estar dos días en el foro, estoy realmente aterrado. Primero por el transporte, aunque no creo que en España y a través de Amazon llegue por Fedex, el resto de empresas tampoco me inspiran confianza. Tras eso, espero dar un primer vistazo tranquilamente a todo y luego encender y realizar la primera configuración, pero, ya no se si debería actualizar el firmware si me lo pide o no hacerlo. Que pueda imprimir el Benchi, tampoco me termina de inspirar confianza, no me voy a dedicar a hacer Benchi.

Tras ese primer test de Benchi (crucemos los dedos) correcto, otra duda, ¿Creality Print o cual?, ¿enviar modelos desde PC o mejor por USB en pendrive?

Por otro lado, el tema de los errores, que aparezcan errores está bien, pero a veces de cara al usuario, es contraproducente, sobre todo si no es un usuario técnico avanzado. Habrá quién tenga mucha experiencia con materiales, diseños y quizá meterle mano mecánicamente a la impresora, le de miedo. A lo mejor Creality debería mostrar únicamente los errores críticos en pantalla y dejar “el resto” en un registro que poder revisar de vez en cuando. Ahora veo mucha gente preocupada por errores que aparecen en pantalla cuando su impresora parece estar funcionando bien y al tratar de corregir el error, están empeorando la situación.

En fin, la impresora llega el lunes y en vez de estar ilusionado, estoy tembloroso.

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Hola DRVilches,

Espero que tu nueva impresora llegue bien y funcione correctamente desde el primer momento.

Te sugiero que no uses la versión 6 de Creality Print.

Busca la versión 5.1.7 o usa Orca.

Que disfrutes de la impresión.

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Aside from Creality Print being a bit wierd and unreliable (crashing). It works okay, better than 5 anyway.
I say this coming feom using Cura for the last few years.

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You’re not alone. But they’ve been around a long time and have sold a lot of printers, so there are a lot of people that have had issues. And im one of them. Im on my 4th, yes FOURTH, Ender 3 v3 Plus. If it wasn’t the cheapest large format printer around, I would have called it quits a long time ago, but I got a cyber monday deal on it. I also have a Bambu lab printer, and a heavily modified Ender 5. The Bambu prints much better out of the box and is much better thought out, but it’s not without its issues. The wifi and cloud free printing work much better on the Creality. I really, really, wish Creality would get their ish together, because they’re losing. Even on my current 4th Ender 3, there are rusty pit marks on one of my Z axis rods I need to get replaced… And ive had about a 8% failure rate due to their crazy spool location that makes sense to no one. Ive only had it for a month. If you want a more appliance like experience, id try somewhere else.


This is not anything new. I have been buying Creality products since the initial launch of the Ender series and this type of thing has happened with every new product they launch and every new product most other companies launch. I’m sure everybody who did the research and purchased this product saw all the comments of user saying to not buy the first revision and wait to see how it plays out. As an early adopter i would kind of expect there to be issues. The one thing I think there is no excuse for is the number of DOA machines that just shows poor quality assurance or something lacking on the production line.


But that’s the thing, I had a first gen K1 and aside from the extruder and hotend having to be replaced, it’s been fantastic. In fact I just tried to print the CR-PETG I was using on the K2, and the K1 printed without any complaints at all.

This printer is at least twice the cost and at least twice as problematic. The CFS especially apparently needed some more time to work, and that I definitely expected. But not being able to print official Creality filament off the spool without tweaking the printer for hours on end is beyond unacceptable for a flagship printer.

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I feel your pain. I own a KE K1C and Bought a new Ender 3 V3 plus and all 3 not working currently. After 2 weeks in on the new plus and the KE down since November and the K1C since December, I feel the customer service is seriously lacking. Take your money and Not returning the expected customer service.

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Hardware are good, but software are mess. Why they are no allowing to tune PID, only manual values I got for my printer. Also selecting to reset wifi pops out, that page is not found, like web browser. Only fix, bypass nonsense with custom usb cable directly connected to motherboard and use repetier host or take next level with octoprint. I am not regretting of buying creality, with correct modifications they are working well.

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Now, I can’t wait for Bambu Labs to release the X1C MAX.

I was never going to buy another 3D printer again; the Creality K2 Plus changed my mind on that. The lack of support response upsets me even more.

The K2 worked great for slightly less than one month; I had loved it. Now, I really can’t waste time with it. Even when it works, three hours in to a seven hour print, it will fail with a mysterious extrusion error, maybe the nozzle is clogged error. The part at the top of the extruder that holds the biden tube doesn’t anymore. I am using a work around for that. The filament cutter can’t cut butter even the new one that came as a spare part.

I’ll come up with the $2000 to buy the X1C the day it is released. Then I don’t have to worry to much when the K2 can only run a couple days a month (if I am lucky).

If I could send the K2 back and get my money back, I would.