How far can you have the K2 and a CFS. I have 3 CFS with limited space so I am wondering how far I can place them apart. The most I am thinking is maybe 3-5 feet away.
Looks like there are 45cm, 100cm, and 150cm cables on Aliexpress so 3 to 5 feet away is possible.
It will depend on how much voltage drop and signal loss there is across the length of cables that you use to connect the 3 CFS’s as the cable is for both power and data.
sorry I wasn’t clear. I am not worried about those cables. I am worried about the bowden tubes that carry the filament.
So I have a 30cm Bowden tube and a 1.2m Bowden tube. The friction of the 1.2m is much more. I tried with Capricorn tubes, that are supposed to be the “ferrari” of the bowden tubes, but still I find more issues with the 1.2m that with the 30cm tube. the friction is huge and it does impact specially on the retraction. Results? often with prints stucked because of some issue (once in the extruder, once in the buffer, once in the CFS… several signals…)
Try the Capricorn Bambu Lab AMS kit. The tubing is 3mm ID / 4mm OD and is 4m long.
I found it here in the USA:!/Bambu-Lab-AMS-Kit/p/593740313