Does seem a little busted up. I’d send it back if I could. Failing that the strain sensor needs checking to see if it is connected properly or needs replacing.
I bought my Ender 3 V3 Plus from Temu because it was a great price and had all kinds of issues with it but no physical damage like yours. It wouldn’t even calibrate right out of the box. I returned it and bought the same model from my local Microcenter and it’s been perfect. No errors at all and passed every calibration test right out of the box. I had to pay a $100 dollars more locally but it was worth it and it’s been printing almost every day for two weeks straight. Return the one you have while you still can.
And surprisingly AMZ has it cheaper and can probably get it faster if someone has their membership. Just type in the name the of the item in the link and look for it online. I have not needed one for my KE but I did for the previous Creality and it solved a problem very cheaply too.
Yep! And sometimes sites like to scrub things that have key words they don’t like…not sure if Big C cares, but I’ve learned that on FB somethings are not supposed to be linked to or mentioned and definitely not a price.