Ender 3 V2 Neo shutting down during bed preheat. Can anyone help me with this?

Bought my kiddos an Ender 3 V2 Neo and they’re having trouble with preheating the bed. The printer shuts down when they hit the preheat option on the screen. Has anyone else encountered this? any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Hi @jesco and welcome to the forums.

Please power off the printer and check the printer for a voltage selection switch and ensure that it is in the correct position for your region. This should fix the issue for you.

Hello Nikoli,

Thank you for the tip. I will have my kiddos try this and hopefully it works.
I appreciate you help.


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You’re welcome @jesco! Fingers crossed it will resolve the issue for you :slight_smile:

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Hi friends, how are you? You managed to solve the problem, my printer arrived today and it has the same problem.