It worked just fine for the past 2 weeks. I’ve printed PLA and TPU using Creality Print default settings ans Prusa Slicer with custom settings found on Reddit. All my prints were perfect.
Yesterday, a print failed middle print and I stopped it because I was getting spaghettis. After that fail, all my prints are failing because of the first layer not sticking to the bed. I have not changed any settings.
The cleaning line on the side of the bed is sticking perfectly, but when it goes in the middle, the filament IS flying.
I tried multiple solutions :
Run calibration before every print
Run the calibration on the menu
Clean my print bed with window cleaner
Manually set Z-offset with the paper technique but default setting was perfect
Reduce Z-offset in the slicer, I add -0.1 mm. It worked for one print but I had elephant foot problem and the print quality was not as good as before. I tried another prints and nothing changed…
Change temperature for bed and nozzle
Reduce first layer speed very low (Before it was set to 150 mm/s and worked perfect, and now first layer don’t stick to bed with 25 mm/s…)
Print on a side of the bed, not in the middle
Problem is identical with PLA and TPU…
If someone can help me with this…
I dont understand why it stopped working suddently. It was perfectly printing before that.
Hello@Pandawasabi and Welcome to the Creality Forum…!
A couple suggestions.
First maybe try changing to ISO (Edit:I meant IPA) (alcohol) to clean the bed. I’m not sure what window cleaner you are using but there is a possibility that it could leave a residue after it dries making the filament not sticking as well.
Filaments from different manufacturers can have different humidity levels and might need to be dried to print properly. Even a brand new roll might need drying…
How old is the nozzle… Brass…? I’m not sure exactly how long they last but if you have been printing a long time with filaments that are abrasive then the nozzle might be causing the problem.
Yes a wipe down with IPA after a wash is good practice.
Are you printing from a dryer or an older reel?
I don’t like saying glue stick but sometimes it is the last resort. I’ll use it with my work machines, I can’t be wasting hours with failed prints when someone else is relying on a print to continue what they are doing.
Which brand TPU? I prefer Overture, not had any adhesion problems with that filament regardless of colour choice.
I was having the same issue, IPA to clean and then I also added BRIM to my models, especially smaller ones helped. Also if it was not zero’d to center I would see issues, even with z-calibration all the time. Rather waste a small amount of material on brim then spaghetti for an hour.
You can also use my Creality Cloud test bed to check which point on the plate the initial layer adhesion working or not: Ender-3 V3 KE Z-layer testbed
I am thinking your problem more permanent so built up something on the surface on the plate or printer get a problem (belts, possitioning etc.)
We’re seeing the same issue. We were able to print the model display boat perfectly. Anything else, it starts the outline and then starts then drags across and it’s stuck to the nozzle. Cleaned with ISO several times, even changed nozzle. New roll of filament from Creality.
When I go into adjust the offset then when I go to print. The value changes. Say for example I set it at -2.92. When it starts to print and starts messing up. I stop it and I go the see what the value is. It’s showing -3.01.
Try printing something with a 5 wide skirt. Whilst it is printing the skirt keep lowering the Z-offset and you should see the bead sticking to the bed before you get to the first print layer of what you want to print. The print bead should look flattened, too flat and it will look frayed, not flat enough it won’t stick.
So what I’ve noticed I adjust the Z height enough, clicked off the calibration box and it printed great. However next thing we went to print. I thought since we had adjusted the Z height to -3.21 and printed great. Next print job I had to keep adjusting because it kept picking up filament that was laid down. Is this normal for every print job to go in and adjust the height every time?
No it is not normal, mine is set and it will print every time. If you calibrate every print you will have to Z adjust every print, it just resets the good work you have done. Do you have G29 in your start gCode? That will do an autolevel and get rid of the Z offset, uncheck/delete it. Literally all the print head should do is go the front corner, heat up, print purge line and then print. MyV3KE and V3SE now setup they just print every single time.
At the beginning of everytime we chose something to print, it will do the auto leveling calibration. So when I unchecked the box after having adjusting the Z height (-3.21) it printed great. However the next thing we picked to print with the “calibration” unchecked, it was running across picking up filament. I checked the height in the settings and it was at -3.21. I appreciate the response and help.
So was the first layer sticking or picking up on itself as it printed? I would try adjusting either up or down, without a pic I can’t tell if it is too close or too far from the bed.