Ender-3 V3 KE - how to setup mDNS on printer

Hi There

Recently i had and update on wi-fi network in the office and some filtering was applied on wireless traffic.
Had a chat with local IT and they cannot whitelist printers IP in filtering as its some automated feature but also advised that normal printers work fine so its probably Ender setup which has to be updated.
I was advised to enable and set mDNS on Ender-3 V3 KE but honestly have no idea where it can be.
Tried to google it with no luck and have found 2 posts in which mDNS is mentioned but it doesn’t give me straight answer how it can be set.

I have followed some advice from there to change hostname on printer (after root) to simple lower case name but still cannot to printed via any slicer nor via web page

Anyone could help what needs to be changed on printer?