Ender 3 V3 KE replacement Z axis lead screw nut

I broke the plastic T nut that is on the the upright XZ
gantry lead screw while installing the light…This is the screw that mounts into the X axis gantry The ones I can find online are for the 3S and 3 PRO and have a lip above and below the flat plate that the screws go into. The one on the KE does not have this lip around the top of the screw hole and it is questionable if there is enough clearance to use them. Do anyone know where I can get an exact replacement or if the ones online for the 3S and 3 Pro will work at all even if i file the top of it off? Thanks for your help.

How about a longer M3 screw and a couple of lock nuts on the bottom? Can’t say I have seen the leadscrew nut for a SE or KE available, they are both the same.