Ender 3 V3 KE wont always start

hey! im having problems with my printer, once i had a personal error as i sent to print something without removing the previous print from the plate, and the printer got stuck with the piece. i instantaneously put it off from the switch, cleaned the plate, and then it wont start back.
i was about to reset the firmware, when i tried it again an magically started! and printed without any issues. but from then, it doesnt always start. Sometimes i try 3 or 4 times until it boots.

When it doesnt start, it just lights on the switch, but doesnt turn on the screen, neither the fans. no sound at all comes out from it. But when it starts, it works perfectly.

i tried switching back and forth the 230/110 switch in the back.
i checked the tension in electricity and its quite good.

I will appreciate any help!!

Was it powered up when you did this?

No,no…it was off.
i noticed the printer had some estatic charge in the motors, so i made an electrical connection with the ground wired too, that before it had not. The estatic is gone, but it doesnt turn on.

It still works, i try regularly to turn it on and sometimes it does turn on, and works fine.

should i reinstall the firmware?

you could try,at yr own risk obviously,to take bottom cover off and check the 24v wires into the main board from the 230v ac transformer. just see if they are tight etc.

Finally I opened it up and realized the power supply wasnt working. changed it and we are back on tracks! thanks to all