Ender 3 V3 Neo w Sonic Pad Help

Hi thanks for reading this
Okay i have the ender 3 v3 Neo but for some reason the home point has moved about 3 cm to the right and when i do a auto bed level it will hit the right hand side all the time. please help, oh yeah its running off the sonic pad, so please keep it simple

Double check the settings on the sonic pad to make sure the correct bed size is configured.

what setting pic 1, 2 or 3

I would recommend following this video as I believe they are using the Sonic Pad with the same printer as yourself and it shows the full setup process…

Creality Sonic Pad - Klipper Setup with Ender 3 V2 Neo

got it, thanks for your help

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Excellent news, you’re very welcome :slight_smile: