Ender-3 V3 SE: config settings to roll our own firmware please

About baud rate I usually compile 2 versions, one with 128000 and the other with 115200 for those using Octo4A.

About print quality the plugin+firmware has an identified issue creating zits or over extrusion specially on curves, normal squared geometry is not so visible. Work is in progress to minimize the issue. No real ETA yet(I hope 2 weeks).

About octolapse when I started to using it I needed to calibrate the retractions on the Octolapse configuration page to avoid branches to be created on my prints but that was a one time configuration and never touched again. So check that you configured properly the Octolapse retractions.

Regarding M73 you can disable the 09000 commands and let the other plugin to send the M73 information so no overlapping will occur.

And finally I don’t have an idea of why the plugin disappeared from the GUI never happened to me and no idea of what could be the issue. Maybe if you share the Octoprint log after a reboot we can see if something is broken with the python code or the Jinja template. And also would be great if you can check the Developer tools console from the browser to see if is something related to JavaScript or missing a library.

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Firmware with the Fix of degraded quality has been released: v1.0.9.7_8
And its pair Octoprint Plugin too: v0.1.9

Thanks a lot @TechieZebra for the help and feedback on this issue.

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THANK-YOU @Iroh3d, for all your work with this firmware!
Have since did more prints and it has been solid!

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With the Octoprint plugin v.0.1.9 does it need the firmware file to work alongside ???

I got the Octo plugin done but not the firmware as of yet (do it later today) and now the display does not update the layer number, time remaining or percentage graph.

Yes, starting from this firmware version older plugins will be no longer compatible.

This is because the firmware had a major refactoring to improve the LCD write cycles to avoid impacting the print quality and a new custom GCode command 09001 was created to receive the updates. Thus, older versions of the plugin doesn’t have the new O9001 command.

Hi @Iroh3d

New plugin installed, new firmware installed, changed over to 150000 baud rate, didnt change any settings in print job details but the display is partly going, the layer count worked up till 2 layers but the time remaining did not change until about 5 layers, the percentage bar went to 2%.

Then I went into tune menu to up the temperature a couple of degrees and the screen reset back to 0 for layers, 0 for % and the time remaining went right back to same as total print time.

Have I forgot to do something ???

Refer to this Issue comment to understand deep reasons of why now it works in a phased/staggered way. Recommend to read all the issue too.

Basically we sacrifice the so called realtime updates to have a good quality print when printing from Octoprint. And if you think about it, you don’t look at the LCD all the time so IMHO it’s not critical to have some delay.

About returning from tune or pause or stop menus that definitely is a bug because I forgot to replace the global variables :grimacing::sweat_smile: tomorrow I will push a fix for that.

@Iroh3d Thank you for the explanation, indeed i see the variables are updating at different stages. I agree a better quality print is better than the screen updating live. Now I read the thread I comprehend. I thought I had done something wrong.

Thank you very much for the hard work you fellas put into this. This is a significant and huge improvement from the stock firmware from Creality and it just keeps getting better.

I had that issue until I did a full reboot on my RPi and restarted Orca then everything was great.

@Iroh3d Thank You! The changes you have made on the latest version have removed all issues for me. My Benchy is better quality than it has been in months!
I would really love to have the 7x7 levelling grid though, somehow feel more comfortable when the system has as much bed information as possible :slight_smile:

The hotfix is released v1.0.9.7_8b

  • Fixed the issue after using TUNE|STOP|PAUSE Menus.
  • Brought back the 7x7 Grid since many of you were asking for it.

Remember to do a bed level before connecting octoprint to match the new mesh.

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Hi @Iroh3d

New firmware installed. Bug fix confirmed and thank you for putting the 7 x 7 grid back in. It doesnt take much longer to probe the bed and by near on doubling the probe points must surely introduce an improvement in accuracy of the bed levelling.

Done a test print and woah its pretty much perfect.

With the screen not updating live is not an issue, the part that I like the best is the ability to adjust z offset, printer temps, flow rate and speed via the display. Having that on their is a quick way to make minor tweaks if and when needed.

Again thank you for your hard work on this.

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Regarding this feature:

The thumbnail of the GCODE. Since no documentation found I’m trying to brute force the access to the memory of LCD so for now we just see the Standard Creality superMan :x:

The update is not as good as I expected. Since I still havent found the working SRAM address to upload the PNG, I was trying to make a workaround by drawing the image pixel by pixel, but overall is not effcient and doesn’t worth sacrifying a lot of RAM from the system:

  • To Upload 96x96 image array from Octoprint to Marlin tooks 2:20 to 2:30mins.
  • The usage of RAM to store the 96x96 array push it to 78.1% leaving less space for new or other features.
  • To Render the image in the LCD takes between 1 till 1:40 mins.
  • Can’t be reused, since you need to iterate again on the array to render it everytime you want to use it. That of course will impact the print job.
  • The image, depending on the object geometry could look as awful as a white spot on the LCD :rofl:

Test Results Below:

Adding nearest color Map adds some shadows to the image but still horrible result.

More info an code here

Hello everyone. I’m still fairly new to 3D printing. I’ve had an Ender 3v3SE for about 4 weeks now. Everything’s working fine so far. I used Octoprint on a Raspberry Pi, which keeps telling me that the host action commands aren’t activated. I’d like to activate this so that Octoprint can also register my Creality filament sensor. I’ve just come across this topic here and I’m not quite sure how to install the firmware from this topic. Do I just need the .bin or do I need a different firmware for the display? Maybe someone could link or describe a step-by-step guide. Thank you very much for your efforts and have a nice weekend.

Sorry for my bad English, the translator will sort it out.

Regards, Heady

First you need to flash creality firmware version 1.0.6. and the TFT files fro the display.
If your printer is already in that version you can do it directly.

From: Release v1.0.9.7_8b · navaismo/Ender-3V3-SE · GitHub download the ZIP that fits your Octoprint configuration, recommended 150000 baud rate.

Unzip and:

  1. Turn Off your printer.
  2. Format you SD to fat32 recommended to use MiniTool Partition or Gparted.
  3. Rename the file it to something random, i.E. “OC198B.bin” and copy to the SD.
  4. Put the SD on your Printer SD-Card Readed(Not the LCD),
  5. Turn On your printer.
  6. Wait for the update to finish - it needs ~10-15 seconds.
  7. Run a new Autolevel.

For Octoprint:

  1. Download the plugin: Release v0.1.9 · navaismo/OctoPrint-E3v3seprintjobdetails · GitHub
  2. Install it manually using the Plugin Manager.
  3. Follow the github readme to configure it.


Thank you very much for your quick reply. Everything worked as described. Maybe the post should be highlighted somehow, as I think a lot of newbies are in the same situation as me.

Thanks again.

Greetings, Heady

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